Creating a table In SQL the table can be created using the CREATE TABLE command CREATE TABLE people( name VARCHAR(30), NIC VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY, phone VARCHAR(20) ); In ORM we can create types and use them to create a table. Object Type syntax CREATE TYPE <object_type_name> AS OBJECT( <attribute1> <datatype>, <attribute2> <datatype> ); First, we have to create a type as an object using the CREATE TYPE command CREATE TYPE person AS OBJECT( name VARCHAR(30), phone VARCHAR(20) ); Then we can create the table using the above type CREATE TABLE person_table OF person( NIC PRIMARY KEY ); Inserting data into a table We can insert data in two ways Method 1 Without specifying the object name INSERT INTO person_table VALUES(101, 'John', 'Smith', 'jsmith@example.com', '1-650-555-0135'); Method 2 Using the object name INSERT INTO person_table VALUES(person(101, 'John', 'Smith', ...